لقد قيل ، "إن تربية طفل يتطلب قرية ،" نعتقد أيضًا أن الأمر سيستغرق جيشًا من الفنانين لتلبية احتياجات الأطفال الذين لم يتم الوصول إليهم في جميع أنحاء العالم.
إذا كنت تعمل مع أطفال لم يتم الوصول إليهم ، وكنت فنيًا ، وترغب في تعلم كيفية سرد القصص من خلال الفنون المرئية ، فإن فريقنا في طور تطوير التدريب عبر الإنترنت من أجلك فقط. أو ربما يوجد فنانين في مجتمعك يمكن أن يستخدمهم الله لإحياء قصصك من خلال الفن. سنقوم بإرشادك و / أو أعضاء فريقك الفني خطوة بخطوة حول كيفية إنتاج كتب مصورة للأطفال وغيرها من الوسائل المرئية التي يمكن أن تساعد مساعيك للوصول إلى الأطفال في مجتمعك.
محتوى الدورة:
سوف تستكشف أولاً هويتك وغرضك كفنان مملكة ، من أجل وضع أساس تبني عليه هداياك الإبداعية. ثم ستتعلم كيف تكتب ، توضيح، وإنتاج قصة للأطفال. سوف تتعلم كيفية القصة المصورة، خلق شخصيات جذابة، والخلفيات بطريقة ملائمة ثقافيا. ستتعلم أيضًا كيفية تصميم غلاف وتنسيق الكتاب ونشره.
بالإضافة إلى مواد الدورة التدريبية ، سيقضي المدرسون وقتًا مع الطلاب في مراجعة المشاريع وتقديم الملاحظات والإجابة على الأسئلة.
انضم إلينا لتنمية مهاراتك والحصول على مصدر إلهام لإنشاء كتب للأطفال / كتب تلوين تنقل الأخبار السارة عبر الثقافات.
مزيد من المعلومات في عام 2021.
Our next CBU Live on-site Training will be a 3-week course held in
Chiang Mai, Thailand on September 1-20, 2025.
to learn more...
What will you discover in 3 weeks?
What do I do for Accommodation?
What is the Language requirement?
What equipment am I required to bring?
World A $500 USD
World B $400 USD
World C $300 USD
Click 👉: YWAM's List of World A, B, C countries to find out which world your country belongs to
The fee includes: courses, lodging, weekday meals, transportation, art supplies and outings.
Payment: After receiving and reviewing your application, we will send you specific payment details and deadlines.
Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone with a heart to share the Gospel with unreached children through illustrated stories! Whether you’re:
🎨 An experienced creatives (writer, artist, graphic designer) eager to use your skills for God’s Kingdom
📖 A children’s ministry leader looking for stories to reach your kids
✨ Someone who loves to create and wonders if God has a purpose for it
🙏 New to creativity but trusting God can use you as you are
No matter your experience, you’ll gain tools, inspiration, and community to help create resources to reach the next generation of the unreached!
What will you discover in 3 weeks?
Share God’s heart for unreached people groups.
Write culturally relevant, engaging stories.
Design captivating characters and illustrations.
Understand visual storytelling for young audiences.
Craft your story to share with children through print or digital formats.
Network with ministries to get your book into the hands of unreached children.
Pioneer resource creation teams in your community and beyond.
What to expect?
It is an intensive 3-week seminar in which all training will take place during weekdays with weekends set aside for rest or some sort of outing.
What do I do for Accommodation?
We will have on-site housings for male and female students. Please let us know if you plan to come as a family.
What is the Language requirement?
The course will be in English, however, we will provide separate translations to other languages as needed.
Can I bring others with me?
Yes! We highly encourage students to come in small groups and work as teams of 2 or 3. Individuals are certainly welcome and encouraged. However, when you work together as a team, your learning is more sustainable beyond the course, with a greater chance of creating more books in the future. Thus we encourage individual students to seek out team members after the course.
What equipment am I required to bring?
Please bring a pen and notebook with you. Other than that, you are not required to bring any equipment with you unless you plan to work digitally, in which case you will need to bring a laptop or drawing tablet with you. We will provide all necessary art supplies, but you are welcome to bring any of your own if you wish.
Do I need to apply for a Thai visa?
It depends on your nationality—many countries qualify for a visa exemption for tourism for up to 60 days. Please click this link to check if your country is on the list. If it’s not, please contact us to discuss your options.