Hamza Overcomes
year. 2020
language . English / Thai / Hindi / Dari / Pashto / German
format . 8.5 x 8.5 inch
"Hamza Overcomes" is a practical story of Forgiveness. Initially based on Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, it addresses both the challenges and the blessings of forgiving our enemies. Though written and illustrated for Pakistani children, its lesson applies to all cultures.
Available in English and Urdu
Dr Bernie Power, Author and Lecturer on Islamic Study at Melbourne School of Theology
“Based on my years of living in Karachi, a city in Pakistan, the story ‘Hamza overcomes’ seems so true to life. I met so many young boys among my students who were full of hopes and dreams, but their ambitions were being shattered in so many ways. In this story, the local bully and his gang, encouraged by Hamza’s apparent weakness and inability to retaliate, become increasingly oppressive and dangerous. By contrast, Hamza’s home is a place of refuge and wisdom and there he is being schooled in a different set of values. How will Hamza respond? The story takes a surprising turn at the end.
The offer of certain forgiveness and a response of unlimited grace are some of Jesus’ unique contributions to the religious context of his time and ours. This delightful story, brilliantly illustrated, is a wonderful way to present key aspects of the Christ’s gospel of love in Muslim contexts.”
Dr Stuart Robinson, Author of Mosques and Miracles
The heaviest load anyone carries is a pack of grudges caused by the refusal to forgive.
Forgiveness lightens the load it saves the expense of anger and the cost of hatred.
Forgiveness is our deepest need and may be our highest achievement.
It frees us from the past to face the future, not anyhow but triumphantly!
Learn more about it from Hamza Overcomes and his story of forgiveness.